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名古屋大学大学院 情報学研究科 複雑系科学専攻 鈴木泰博 研究室
yasuhiro suzuki laboratory, Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University
Can acoustic tactile sensation improve blood sugar levels and cognitive function?
鈴木准教授と秋田大学 高齢者医療先端研究センターなどの研究グループは、低周波音響を用いた非接触の触覚が、フレイル・糖尿病・認知症など加齢に伴う深刻な健康問題を改善させる可能性があることを確認しました。
Associate Professor Suzuki and the research group from the Advanced Research Center for Geriatric Medicine at Akita University have confirmed that non-contact tactile stimulation using low-frequency acoustic waves may improve serious health issues associated with aging, such as frailty, diabetes, and dementia.
In a 5-week experiment with early-aging mice, they observed a reduction in diabetes risk, improved frailty through increased grip strength, and enhanced cognitive function. They also noted the activation of energy metabolism-related genes in the muscles.
These experimental results support our previous findings from direct tactile stimulation in humans, which showed improved diabetes and mental health. It appears that non-invasive methods using tactile stimulation may offer new solutions for challenges such as diabetes, frailty, and dementia. LINK to the paper -> この研究は2024年8月28日付のBiomolecule誌で発表されました。
SCI Lab Magazine~ 「球団在籍年数の代表値を図る」, 2023/4/26
SCI Lab Magazineに,清水詩乃さん(学部4年生)の記事が掲載されました.プロ野球球団の強さと選手の球団在籍年数の関係を考察したものです.
色ってなんだ…… 定義できないよくわからない世界
SCI Lab Magazine に佐山弘樹さんによる、色彩についての記事が掲載されました!
遠いようで遠くない、近いようで近くない, 2022/5/6
SCI Lab Magazineに,佐山弘樹さん(学部4年生)の記事が掲載されました.『平均と標準偏差』なじみがある,基本的な統計量です.佐山さんは,この2つの統計量をもとに,名古屋駅からの公共交通機関の『平均と標準偏差』をもとに,「時間地図」(もとのアイデアは,デザイナーの杉浦康平による)を作成しました.この『試み』は『平均と標準偏差』のもつ問題点を端的に示しています.
SCI Lab Magazine, 2022/4/30
SCI Lab Magazine に,山田直哉さん(博士前期過程)の記事が掲載されました. 山田さんは『読経のなかには低周波が含まれる』ことを発見し,そのメカニズムと,音響への影響について研究をすすめています.この記事では『平均と標準偏差』という,広く知られている方法が,とても『強力な武器』になることを,読経の音響学的研究での実際例をつかって,紹介しています.必読です!
SCI Lab Magazine〜「画像を1つの数字にする」
上田 真央(博士後期課程), 2022/4/22
Sci labの公式magazine〜SCI Lab magazineに,上田真央さんの記事が掲載されました.「画像をひとつの数字にする」?画像は,ひとつの数字なんかになるのでしょうか? そもそも,なぜ画像をひとつの数字にしようと思ったのでしょうか...?
音響が,認知症を改善させる?, 2022/3/22
鈴木准教授は秋田大学(高齢者医療先端研究センター・大田秀隆センター長・教授)のチームと,40Hzの低周波音をもちいた認知症治療の臨床研究を行い,認知機能を改善させる成果を,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health から発表しました.40Hzは脳波のガンマー波に相当する音響で,近年「ガンマー帯域神経刺激」として注目されています.論文へのリンク
SCI LAB magagine
sci lab official magazine
May 10, 2024代表値とは 代表値とは,データを代表する指標となる値である.主要な代表値の例としては,平均,中央値,最頻値などがあげられる.以下に,それぞれの定義と特徴を紹介する. 算術平均 ...June 7, 2023検定とは 検定とは、立てた仮説の有意性を判定するものである。まずは、実験の結果などから自然的・社会的な現象に関する法則の仮説を立てる。ここで立てた仮説と実験の結果などのデータの間にはズレが...May 16, 2023前回、代表値からデータの分布について考えたが、観測値が異なるデータでも代表値が同じになってしまう場合があった。これは、代表値が分布の位置を示す指標であるからである。そのため、分布の形を表わすに...MISSION
of education of our lab / 本研究室の教育ミッション
We foster individuals who possess intellectual courage having "Three Abilities".
of discovering problem
to solve problem
to deliver what you have done
Our lab
Innovative thinking
An intellectual with the courage to confront an uncharted subject alone
Communication skills
abilities of presentation in a broad sense
本当に好きなこと, とは、寝るのを忘れ、食べるのも忘れるぐらいに夢中になれることです。Creativity that can contribute to the development of the earth comes from what you truly love.
What you love is something you can get so absorbed in that you forget to sleep or eat.Independence
多くの失敗や挫折は、本当に好きなこと、を気づかせてくれる。Through discussions with me, members find out, "What do I like to do?
The principle of our laboratory is that members find their research topics and proceed with them on their responsibility.
If you made a mistake in calculations, misunderstood theory, or your program contains bugs, these "errors" must appear as results.
Any research "will fail and will not produce the results you expect.
When we know we did something wrong and cannot obtain the required results, call it "failer".
However, all responsibilities of failer in research is ourselves.
Naturally, we must overcome every fail in research if we know that we did something wrong.
The problem is that sometimes it requires hundreds or thousands of years...
We humans do/can not know anything about nature. So, we must make mistakes.
Finding out what we like to do seems easy, but it's tough.
Many failures and setbacks make us realize what we want.So, please note everyone,
If you want to obtain knowledge or techniques, you should consult another lab.
Our lab is the place to be reborn.
works, in the past
勇敢に独創的な研究を成し遂げた, 卒業生の皆さんをとても誇りに思っております。
・TF-IDF を用いた,男性語・女性語の分類とその抽出
・化学生態系でのCry Wolf植物による香り情報物質の変化の生態系の安定性への影響
Following researches have done primarily undergraduate students.
Our Graduates are Our Pride.
Proposal of composition method by combining music pieces based on the similarity of melody and rhythm of the music pieces and evaluation of the impression of the composition method
Acoustic effects of low-frequency sound on speech
Accuracy and evaluation of movements in classical ballet
Position Estimation System for Indoor Environments Using Infrared and Fisheye Cameras for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Classification of masculine and feminine words and their extraction using TF-IDF
Influence of sensory feedback in VR space on the living body
Creation and analysis of a phylogenetic tree of cities using a set of words in a tourist magazine
Cluster analysis of texts from a menhera support website to classify and examine "menhera".
Measurement of concentration using virtual reality
An investigation of the conditions under which multiple main melodies can be mixed without discomfort using psychological methods
Measurement and analysis of brain activity during low-frequency sound using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS).
A study of the conditions under which the main melody can be mixed without discomfort
The relationship between vibrotactile sensation and brain activity by brain function imaging using near-infrared spectroscopy
The relationship between vibrotactile sensation and brain activity using functional brain imaging with near-infrared spectroscopy ・Creating an electronic tourist bookmark using information from curation sites
The relationship between vibrotactile sensation and brain activity using functional brain imaging with near-infrared spectroscopy ・Statistical analysis of Japanese professional baseball and Major League Baseball using sabermetrics
Statistical analysis of Japanese professional baseball and major league baseball using sabermetric indexes
Feature analysis of the evolutionary process of membrane systems using abstract chemical systems and their application
A proposal of a difficulty analysis method based on an extension of the fingering determination method for piano music
A study on the use and interpretation of network data.
Stochastic simulation of the p53-MDM2 feedback loop
Effects of changes in aroma compounds by Cry Wolf plants in chemical ecosystems on the stability of ecosystems
The nature of surface potential changes in plant leaves
A psychological investigation of the discrimination sensitivity of multiple tactile stimuli presented via massage.
A psychological study of the discriminatory sensitivity to multiple tactile stimuli presented via massage
Stability of multi-personal ecosystems mediated by aroma information chemicals
Creation of a hivelet simulator for the BZ reaction
Analysis of inter-plant communication by odour using leaf surface potential
Analysis of cut features of video using recurrence plots
Study on how to convert tactile scores into musical scores in facial massage
Mathematical modelling of the effects of odour-mediated interactions on ecosystems.
A study on the recognition of active stimuli in human perception
A proposal of a Japanese analysis method using tag notation and its application
Pattern analysis of melody and its application to music generation
464-8601 名古屋市千種区不老町 名古屋大学大学院情報学研究科 複雑系科学専攻
情報学研究科棟 526室
Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, Furocho Chikusa Nagoya city, JAPAN
room #526 at Building of Graduate School of Infromatics
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E-mail: ysuzuki(at mark)i.nagoya-u.ac.jp ["at mark"は@に置き換えてください]
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